Category: Eco Coffin Project Artists

  • Tracey Hall

    Tracey Hall

    Why did you choose to work on a shroud rather than a coffin? I chose to make a shroud so it can be used as a rug or bed cover for many years first, rather than be another possession taking up room. What materials have you used for your artwork? We bought two long lengths…

  • Carole Schroeder

    Carole Schroeder

    Why did you choose to work on a shroud rather than a coffin? A shroud seemed more comforting to me rather than a box. Being wrapped engages a sense of being care for, in a similar way that a young baby is wrapped in ‘swaddling cloth’. What materials have you used for your artwork? Cotton…

  • Kathy Allen

    Kathy Allen

    Why did you choose to work on a shroud rather than a coffin? I liked the idea of making something that I could wrap myself up in and be safe and at peace. What materials have you used for your artwork? The backing material is called tissue silk. It is very fine with an open…

  • Tracey & Eloise Hall

    Tracey & Eloise Hall

    Why did you choose to work on a shroud rather than a coffin? My eldest daughter had the opportunity to organise and choose many aspects of her own funeral and got to choose an attractive, unstained plain timber coffin and stain it for her use a few months later, so I don’t mind the idea…

  • Jan Abel

    Jan Abel

    Why did you choose to work on a coffin rather than a shroud? I chose a coffin because Murray and I wanted to work together and coffins were more of a mutual base for us to work from. What materials have you used for your artwork? I chose to decoupage my coffin with old music…

  • Murray Goodes

    Murray Goodes

    One of our wonderful 10 group members, Murray, died during week 5 of the Eco Coffin Project in 2020. His death was sudden, unexpected and so very sad for all who knew and loved him. Murray died of a heart attack, at home in the early hours. His partner Jan, who is also a group…

  • Gem Congdon

    Gem Congdon

    Why did you choose to work on a coffin-cover? As part of the Eco Coffin Project I was lucky enough to be given a cardboard coffin. Rather than paint or decorate the actual coffin, I decided to make a quilt to cover it. What materials have you used for your artwork? Being a textile artist…

  • Maursie McKenzie

    Maursie McKenzie

    Why did you choose to work on a shroud rather than a coffin? The Shroud was my preferred option due to the fact that I have limited storage space in my unit, as well as not having an actual dedicated work area, so I found an old canvas big enough to drape my shroud into…

  • Abby Buckley

    Abby Buckley

    Why did you choose to work on a shroud rather than a coffin? As the facilitator I was not thinking I would also work on a coffin or shroud but I was so inspired by the group and then had this idea for my shroud so joined in! There were only 5 coffins and they…

  • Meredith Parker

    Meredith Parker

    Why did you choose to work on a shroud rather than a coffin? The coverlet for my burial shroud is a work in progress. The process will continue for months or even years. I am choosing a natural burial, because as a gardener and someone trying to maintain a sustainable life style, it is important…

  • Wendy Rushbrook

    Wendy Rushbrook

    Why did you choose to work on a death dress rather than a coffin or shroud? I try to live as lightly as possible so a shroud/dress involves the least amount of material of the two. What materials have you used for your artwork? I have used a linen dress bought for $4 at an…

  • Robyn Ticehurst

    Robyn Ticehurst

    Why did you choose to work on a coffin rather than a shroud? I chose to work on a coffin because both my parents were buried and my memory when viewing them just before their funerals was a very peaceful one and I did not want to be cremated. What materials have you used for…

  • Louise Goode

    Louise Goode

    Why did you choose to work on a coffin rather than a shroud? I have no idea why I chose to have a coffin, but subconsciously I remember that Jewish people have the plainest pine coffin with rope handles. It gave me opportunity dive deep down into my memories, to discover my heritage, acknowledge my…

  • Kerry Dellar

    Kerry Dellar

    Why did you choose to work on a coffin rather than a shroud? As a young adult my father told me to be prepared due to the traumatic experience he had when he lost his mother at a young age. He instilled in us that we need to accept that death is at the end…

  • Elisabeth Whittaker

    Elisabeth Whittaker

    Why did you choose to work on a shroud rather than a coffin? I like the idea of being buried close to the earth and with nothing much in between. The piece which I am showing will be put on top of my shroud. It was made by my sister and I love the colours…

  • Carol Muzyk

    Carol Muzyk

    Why did you choose to work on a shroud rather than a coffin? I chose to make a shroud for pets because I feel a shroud would be less daunting for children who may be attending a funeral for the first time. It can be very traumatizing and I feel the shroud decorated by a…

  • June Faulkner

    June Faulkner

    After googling shroud patterns, I chose this pattern because I felt it would be quite dignified to get a body into. I have sewn my shroud out of a bright & vibrant cotton material that I have had for some time. The buttons were made by my husband out of a wooden crab rake handle…

  • Victoria Secomb

    Victoria Secomb

    Why did you choose to work on a shroud rather than a coffin? I chose to work on a shroud because I knew there was an endless amount of possibilities; I could immediately picture what I could do with a shroud, whereas I couldn’t see what I wanted to do with a coffin. Maybe a…

  • Marie Kibble

    Marie Kibble

    Why did you choose to work on a coffin rather than a shroud? After seeing and discussing the cremation process, I changed my mind from a quilted shroud to a coffin as there would be a need for a body board underneath and my hope is that most of the decision making for my cremation…

  • Adelaide Secomb

    Adelaide Secomb

    Why did you choose to work on a shroud rather than a coffin? I have chosen to work on a shroud as I thought it would be more biodegradable. What materials have you used for your artwork? I made my shroud out of seeded calico, and dyed it with the use of wine from my…

  • Scarlet Secomb

    Scarlet Secomb

    Why did you choose to work on a shroud rather than a coffin? I have chosen to make a shroud for my art piece as I love to work with tactile materials, and I thought a shroud would be more versatile, I really wanted to be able to use my shroud in my everyday life…

  • Deb Griffiths

    Deb Griffiths

    Why did you choose to work on a coffin rather than a shroud? I like the idea of a shroud as a concept, and that it’s the quickest way to become compost, but I like the idea of decorating a coffin, which can be done with loved ones which in moments of extreme grief, could…

  • Colleen Storer Milne

    Colleen Storer Milne

    Why did you choose to work on a shroud, coffin & urn? My name is Colleen (Storer) Milne, I have a niche business located in The Fleurieu Peninsula, South Australia called Returning Home AUS. I sell eco friendly and biodegradable funeral products directly to the public. My choices for this event include an eco friendly…

  • Jackie


    Why did you choose to work on a shroud rather than a coffin? When my father died in the UK I chose for him to be cremated in a cardboard coffin. It was a choice that did not entirely sit well with some but since our family business was recycling waste paper it was a…

  • Lynne Smith

    Lynne Smith

    Why did you choose to work on a shroud rather than a coffin? I choose to work on a shroud because the shroud may be retained by my family if they so choose whereas the body and the coffin will not, I have also purchased a coffin for my burial. My family and I have…