What is a sustainable death?

Core Program
The Eco Coffin Project is a community program that:
- Sparks conversations and curiosity about death
- Increases our death literacy
- Raises awareness of natural burial.

Pushing Up Daisies Workshops 2024
The Pushing Up Daisies workshop is a practical one-day workshop that explores how our Australian death system works to empower you to create a meaningful, values-based, end-of-life plan. Bookings now open for 2024 workshops.

Exhibitions & Artists
Our public exhibitions display the decorated eco-coffins and shrouds made by the Eco Coffin Project participants. These powerful personal works of art and love spark questions about sustainable death and raise community awareness of natural burial.

A HUGE growing collection of my favourite books, videos, community projects, TEDtalks, podcasts, research, organisations, funny things, poems and FREE downloads; gathered over many years.

Learn about how and why we got started, who supports us, what’s being said about us and meet our beautiful growing community.