Category: Death Literacy

  • What does a girl wear … to her grave?

    What does a girl wear … to her grave?

    AUGUST 3, 2019 I am keen on a natural burial where I can be buried in either a shroud or a coffin. Whatever I am cocooned in needs to be organic and biodegradable as per the SA Burial & Cremation Act 2013. For this post I am musing about my perfect shroud. So what does…

  • Pushing Up Daisies Inaugural Workshop

    Pushing Up Daisies Inaugural Workshop

    AUGUST 16, 2019 Despite huge advances in modern medicine the mortality rate in Australia continues to be 100%. Unknown Shock? Yes, the one thing we all have in common is that … we are going to die. Yet 60% of Australians think we don’t talk enough about death. Since 2014 I have been facilitating community…

  • Death Literacy conference

    Death Literacy conference

    OCTOBER 31, 2014 A woman died at a conference I went to on 6 September, 2014 in Sydney. Instead of panic there was peace and calm. The moment had been expected and family members knew what to do. Her mother held her and wept. No one rushed. We all looked on in quiet respect; humbled…