Eco Coffin Project Artist: Marie Kibble (2023)

Marie Kibble

Eco coffin. Artist: Marie Kibble. Title: Joy. Dimensions: 2000 x 530 x 330 mm

Artist: Marie Kibble

Type: Eco Coffin

Title: Joy

Materials: eco-cardboard, eco-paint, eco-glue, paper decoupage

Dimensions: 2000x530x330mm

Why did you choose to work on a coffin rather than a shroud?

After seeing and discussing the cremation process, I changed my mind from a quilted shroud to a coffin as there would be a need for a body board underneath and my hope is that most of the decision making for my cremation has already been made.

What materials have you used for your artwork?

A Daisybox coffin is a cardboard coffin that has an inner plastic lining used by funeral directors. I’ve used metal bolts to hold the sides together as a temporary measure instead of the plastic lugs which were supplied, to enable me to remove them to flat pack the coffin for storage until it is needed.

I painted 2 coats of white gesso paint (a low toxic chalk style paint) to undercoat the coffin and as a textured background before I tinted the white gesso with pink, green and yellow for decorations on the coffin. A black permanent texta was used to edge the painting, (I’m not a painter but I’m okay at colouring-in). PVA glue and water was used to give a protective seal on my decorating. The flowers and leaves where decoupaged onto the coffin.

What is the story behind your artwork. What does it represent about you and your life story?

Why decorate with Joy the flamingo? It is my favourite bird and I have been in awe of them since I first saw a flamboyance (flock) in the San Diego Zoo in 1983 and I continue to love them. When my friends see anything flamingo they think of me. I love the flamingo colours, stance and calm. I feel an affinity with them, so it seemed so natural to have their joy adorn my coffin.

What are 3 things you have learned from being part of the eco coffin project?

  • I learnt about the different burial options that are available worldwide and used by different cultures
  • The value of self preparation to assist your family with your death wishes, and
  • The opportunity to talk frankly with others about death beliefs

What is one thing you will do (or have done already) differently as a result from being part of the project?

Complete my Advanced Care Directive so my family clearly understands my feelings toward my care and death wishes.

Any other thoughts or comments you would like to add?

Being part of the Eco Coffin Project meant I had the opportunity to broaden my knowledge and an avenue to encourage discussion with others about death, their death wishes and preparation.


The Eco Coffin Project gave me the opportunity to meet new people, who shared their individual beliefs and experiences, in life and death. It was a wonderful opportunity to learn from others. The visits to the Enfield and Smithfield Cemeteries were a great experience and Abby Buckley’s knowledge, presentations and selections of guest speakers for this course was on point.

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